Friday 6 February 2009

Hike, You!, History & Until You.

Hike, You!

The turfed-up transgressional
Turpentine holidays
In space cadet forestry.

Looking to instantiate
A right plain of thought
The last word.


Escaping into the wars and silences
Of history; the quiet beheadings and
Miseries, felt in stratagems and states
Of play: There is no today in history.

Distances fairytale the cold heartlessnesses
And calumny of the windy yesterdays.
Time’s spectre does not bruise,
But heals in a Lazarushian luz of memory.

Forgotten those agglutinated sand-clumps in blood

Pre-history’s barbaric beauty slowly
Transforms into today’s dilemma:
Will WMDs be seen as great human feats
A thousand years down the line?

Is history the teleological suspension of the ethical?
There’s one for you, Boyd.
Of all my annals and remembrances;
I’d say I was, but am on your side.

Until You

Until you the slate was clean:
Are you the poem I write hither
Or the rubber I wipe with;
Are you the
You, was just lined paper.

We’ll see
Lay siege
Trim me
We’ll be
Lay me

Until you I tilled
To you, buried beneath
The cleaned slate and
Recycled filaments.

Before you, me,
Traced through the pages
That are these:
Scored along the lines
To breathe in