Tuesday 30 June 2009

Artefact, The Toilet & Metamorphosis


(read slowly)
And why is everything beautiful but me? -
Kunal’s music, and the girl with the huge flower
On her lapel, and silly lies told through enlarging lenses?
A half-relationship masquerades into obscurity.

She said “Work on yourself.” I’ve been doing
That for a century - translating verse, writing letters,
And essays that the academies will hail; with
First class honours, passing into failure.

Eyes meet mine, and books' spines, Woolf’s
‘To The Lighthouse’ she stared at, only on
Trains, she carries on to London, or some other
Real city with hipper urchins and fauna.

A place regards no one as belonging, only
Can conmen co-create a pretend habitation;
Only those that will flout a non-existing
Fecundity succeed in all life’s worthless goals.

I write with the pen I stole from
The hotel we slept in, before you left me.

The Toilet

Unbodied specimen of a consistent fear,
Now, of losing it completely: A real modern,
Perpetually shaking, like Ramshackle Mac’s fist;
Flirting with danger; in thoughts unbelonging to sense -
A masterpiece from Bolshevik landslides editing the
Sense out of recent opinion polls.

Lines confirming my unlucky ears when hearing
Such cries from rivers’ embedded, beheaded dreams -
Black eyes rising - dragging remains, lifting lifeless,
Out, deadweight. A synaesthesic cathode catches
My projection; crampt little allusions; your river
And your laser and my pulse’s rapid-fire.

BLAST! - A simple drip from my cup of hot chocolate
Explodes like an A-bomb on the paper - There
Is nothing left but garbled whispers, half-thoughts -
‘The remains of a Rembrandt torn into four and flushed down
The toilet.’ Art is wartime photographs with kitsch sofa-covers
Replacing faces in a roulette-dare of verisimilitude.

‘Lily, Lily’ it sounds like the child is shouting,
Though my window is closed and the curtain drawn -
In some sort of coma before school’s out across
The road, some sort of tumourous incapacitation
From a bloodied bodied belle-lettre of our
Blood-pact lozenge as I let your fingers relieve me.


I used to be a child of the fields
Until the great outdoors came knocking
Upon my heart, upon my heart;
Stealing my breath away with an asthma
In nettly ways; an awning of
Deadly Night Shade just beneath my
Oesophagus; thistles scratching the
Lining of my stomach and ribs of
Brambles, thorns piercing out of skin.
Alive to it before cow-parsley gates
In the old days, now their red
Rusty bars are my bones, creaking and
Peeling: hedgerow effigies spell epitaph
Ends. A locksmith in a barrel of gum,
Bold and unwilling to be born again.
A body of bark and sap.

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